
PP60 The global and regional health impacts of future food production under climate change

by M. Springmann,
Daniel Mason-D’Croz,
Sherman Robinson,
P. Ballon,
T. Garnett,
Charles Godfray,
Douglas Gollin,
M. Rayner and
P. Scarborough
Springmann, M.; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Robinson, Sherman; Ballon, P.; Garnett, T.; Godfray, Charles; Gollin, Douglas; Rayner, M.; and Scarborough, P. 2015. PP60 The global and regional health impacts of future food production under climate change. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 69, Supplement 1: A78-A79. http://jech.bmj.com/content/69/Suppl_1/A78.3.abstract